What do you do when you're turning 40, and had the biggest come back of your life? Adult cake smash of course! Click HERE to read all about Amy's Journey!
If you search the hashtag #adultsmashcakesession on Instagram, you'll find tons of grownups celebrating their birthdays — usually their 30th or 40th (excuse me, 360 months or 480 months) — by taking professional photos with an individual-size cake for smashing, along with a fun theme.
Amy decided to go with a roller derby 80's theme, and I am here for it! I couldn't love this more! Everything about it, from the neon colors, to the authentic roller skates. I love the 80's, don't you?!

#40thBirthday #CakeSmash #40thbirthdayphotoshoot #birthdayfun #birthdayphotosession #memoriesbydeanna #memoriesphotographystudio #ramonaphotographer #sandiegophotographer